Scaffolding Hire
Highforce Scaffolding supplies for Hire upon installation: Tube & Fitting Scaffolding.As a rule of thumb, weekly hire is 10% of the scaffold installation cost.
Accurate hire charges are calcuated, for quotations, based on the acutal scaffolding equipment to be used as designed per job, each being specific and particular to the project.
Access Scaffolding Hire: There is a weekly scaffolding hire charge. Scaffold hire can be extended as required.
New Build Scaffolding Hire: For new builds, hire is arranged in blocks of 4 weeks and staggered to reflect the project lifecycle for build, ordinarily 12 weeks in 3 monthly stages as construction progresses. Hire price for new build also depends entirely on the amount of scaffolding tube, fittings, boards and specific saftey equipment required per job.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for a quotation for scaffolding your project by telephone 07340 922 386 or email: hello@highforcescaffolding.co.uk
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